Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Chip does Suncheon

July 10 - July 12

Between the Youth Forum and the World Scout Conference was the Inter Program Event. This was the time between the two major events where the Youth got a chance to re-energize and prepare for the Conference in Jeju. Most youth that attended the forum would also attend the conference.

Chip was bused from Wongkwang University in Iksan to the Inter Program Event that was to be held in the southern city of Suncheon. Things were a little busier than expected. Chip was looking forward to a little bit of hibernation time.

Chip got to visit Suncheon Bay, a marshland wildlife reserve. At the marshland there were many tiny crabs, mud skippers, and birds. Unfortunately, Kevin’s camera ran out of batteries right after he took a photo of the boat they got to ride and couldn’t photograph any of it.

Chip also visited an ancient fortified city. Here’s a cow that Chip liked with Cedric on the right from Cameroon.

Chip got a chance to do some shopping for food and supplies as well. He really liked their supply of fibrous foods.

There were also performances and of course lots of dance and celebration! Here are some other photos that Chip liked. Can you see where Chip is hiding in the second photo?

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