Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Beaver has landed!

Chip the Beaver had an exciting adventure today! It was his first time traveling away from his lodge in Canada. He was looking forward to meeting all the other beavers from around the world.

The customs officer smirked when he noticed a bite out of his passport, but Chip apologized, he got a little hungry in the line up.

Chip set out on a 2:20pm direct flight from Vancouver to Incheon, Korea.
He flew on a Boeing 777 and was pleased with space in the seats.

On the flight, Chip had his first taste of non-fibrous food with the Korean dish Bibimbap. It was so spicy!
Chip ate every single bit and took a nap. Chip still wanted seconds though...

He was greeted at the airport by a lovely young lady wearing a yellow traditional Korea Dress.

The Korean Scout Association met Chip at the door and escorted him on this journey to Wongkwang University in Iksan, Korea.

After a 4-hour bus ride, Chip arrived and was impressed at what he saw. All banners and decorations were certainly an amazing sight for a little beaver to see.

After registration Chip settled down in his dorm room with his new roommates: Yolanda (in pink) and Fredrick (in orange) and went bed. Breakfast at 7:30am tomorrow. Hope there's more bibimbap!

Goodnight Chip!
Goodnight Kevin and Iain!


Unknown said...



Eric said...

My sister says she wants Yolanda lmao

Orangeberry said...

hahaha this is so cute :D
will chip the beaver join our international trip?


Unknown said...

did you take pic of the plane??

wen said...

chip the beaver is so cute!