Thursday, July 17, 2008

Chip recommends...

Thursday 10 July

Thursday was the day that we got a very significant part of the Forum; the development of the official recommendations to the World Scout Committee. This is the where youth delegates propose recommendations to be submitted to the WSC and other countries vote whether to accept or reject the proposed recommendations. In total 15 recommendations were tabled and about 75% were accepted after amendments were made. It was a very interesting process and Chip was glad to have been a part of this.

Here’s Chip holding up a voting card!

After the recommendations session, the Forum was drawing to a close, so participants took part in the final session called, Taking Action. This was a chance for everyone to reflect on what they have learned over the course of the forum and decide what they are going to take back and do with all that they have learned. Chip would really like to bring back more information about Scouts of the World and what other countries are doing because he felt that it was a truly great program to educate scouting and non-scouting youth about the world scope of Scouting!

After the taking action session. The Youth Advisors were called on stage to announce the new Chairperson for the 11th World Scout Youth Forum to be held in Brazil. The youth advisors were bound by secrecy and couldn’t reveal the decision until now!

Congratulations to Milena for being selected by consensus as the new and first female Chair for the Youth Advisors.

She is the one on the far right!

To bring the Forum to a close, there was a closing ceremony with buffet dinner in the stadium near where we had our meetings.

Here is a photo of chip with some local cub scouts who came to join in on the festivities!

And now for a bunch of photos from the closing ceremony!

Next Chip is off to the Inter-Program Event in Suncheon Province!


Unknown said...

Chip has a necklace on!!! :)

Unknown said...

Do you come to Japan next month? I am Japanese venture scout leader.

Chip the Beaver said...

Yes I will go from August 4 to 10th.

Unknown said...

I live in Fukui city. It is a host family. I am Fuji scout(same rank queen's scout), leader assistant trainer. Are you woodbadge holder?

Chip the Beaver said...

Yes I am a woodbadge holder.
I look forward to meeting you in Fukui! My name is Kevin Li. Please email me or add me to facebook!

My email is scouter.k[at]
(Replace [at] with @).
